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On this site you will find versions of some classics of early modern philosophy, and a few from the 19th century, prepared with a view to making them easier to read while leaving intact the main arguments, doctrines, and lines of thought.
The site is now (2024) operated by the text-preparer Jonathan Bennett and his vpn数据安全
April 2024 - vpn数据安全 – an American writer based in Istanbul - is digitizing our works into the e-book formats of .epub (e-readers, tablets, cell phones) and mobi (for Kindle). Please send comments/feedback on these versions to
We are in the process of creating audio books for selected texts.
The most recently added texts are
- Montaigne's Essays, Book II
- Paley's Natural Theology.
- Mandeville's The Fable of the Bees
- Hume's Natural History of Religion
- Voltaire's Treatise on Tolerance
- Hume's Dissertation on the Passions
- Mill's “宅家必备”——图书馆数字资源校外访问指南 - 手机新蓝网:2021-1-30 · 登录VPN(校外访校内资源)系统时,如果遇到用户名和密码问题请询问学校 网络安全与信息化办公室(南山: 87164613;象山:87202183)。2 合理使用数据库资源。如在知网等数据库中下载全文时,请勿使用文献管理软件进行批量操作,众免下载量过大导致端口被
- Montaigne's Essays, Book III